Message from HEP Chair Ed Vainker
Published: Friday, October 1st, 2021 at 11:53 AM

HEP would like your feedback –
HEP is delighted to share a message from Ed Vainker.
A huge thank you to everyone who came to the Lensbury on Thursday for the AGM and partnership meetings. It was great to see so many familiar faces after so long.
I was delighted to be confirmed as Chair of HEP and look forward to supporting Cormac in the months and years to come.
We took the opportunity of being together to thank our three founding directors and chair, Caroline McKay, John Norton and Victoria Eadie. They have given remarkable service to our community - playing a central role in getting HEP started and continuing to make sure it is focused on young people in Hounslow and getting schools working together and collaborating. A huge thank you to them for all they have done.
At the AGM Cormac reported on HEP's performance and we had a discussion around a ‘SWOT’ of HEP - looking at its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Colleagues shared reflections and these have been captured and will be used by Directors to start to map out our next three year strategy, which we will consult with you on in the coming months.
For colleagues who could not attend, we would love to capture your feedback, which you could do by clicking here, or by contacting Cormac to arrange a short discussion.
There was a theme around the future of the system and questions about structures in the coming years, which many of us (though not all) feel urgency about exploring. We resolved to host an open discussion in the next couple of months for colleagues interested in exploring this in greater depth.
With very best wishes for the rest of term, yours, Ed
Ed Vainker
CEO, Reach Foundation