On Behalf of LWA
Published: Friday, November 5th, 2021 at 3:08 PM

CPD opportunities for Secondary schools –
HEP would like to share the following CPD opportunities for secondary schools.
1. Delivering effective relationship, sex and health education in Secondary schools
In this 3 workshop-programme delegates will consider how to develop their whole school RSHE curriculum as part of the updated DfE statutory curriculum. The programme will also support schools in ensuring their RSHE curriculum, as part of their PSHE programme, is in line with the new Ofsted inspection framework.
These sessions will take place at Lampton School on the dates below:
- Tuesday 16th November 2021 4:00 - 6:00pm
Understanding the new RSHE and Health Statutory Policy, whole school approaches to PSHE and planning SOW.
- Tuesday 30th November 2021 4:00 - 6:00pm
Inclusive RSHE - Sharing inclusive and effective practice which meets the needs of pupils and parents. Considering SEND pupils, LGBT pupils and the role of ethnicity in the curriculum.
- Tuesday 14th December 2021 4:00 - 6:00pm
Reviewing RSHE provision and Assessment and forward planning.
HEP schools will benefit from the LWA price of £130 per delegate (instead of £150 per delegate).
2. Using Simulations to support Secondary science
The 2021 Ofsted research review in science commented that “Technology can play an important role in helping pupils to learn abstract scientific concepts. This can be through animations, simulations and videos when used as part of teachers’ lessons”.
This session will take place, via a webinar on:
- Tuesday, 30th November 2021 From 4:00 – 6:00pm
HEP schools will benefit from a reduced price of £35 per delegate instead of £40, and £60 for two delegates.
To book, please email Sharonjit Samrai – LWA@lampton.org.uk