On Behalf of the Charlie Waller Trust
Published: Friday, March 4th, 2022 at 11:29 AM

Free mental health webinars –
HEP would like to share information about a number of free mental health webinars being offered by the Charlie Waller Trust.
Teen brain and eating disorders
During this webinar you will look at the common questions that arise when supporting young people with eating disorders and normal teenage brain development.
7th March 12pm
22th March 6pm
Supporting children and young people: low mood and depression
This session aims to support participants to understand what we mean by low mood and depression and how to identify the early warning signs. You will explore the effects depression can have on the young person, what you can do to help and where to find sources of support.
16th March 12pm
29th March 6pm
Managing the highs and lows: what our experience taught us
This 60-90 minute webinar shares the experiences of two young people and how they managed the highs and lows of life and share their story to help others.
6th April 12pm
18th April 6pm
Teen brain matters
This combines the latest understanding of neuroscience and developmental psychology with practical strategies to help attendees understand the changes teenagers are going through, and what they can do to support them.
15th April 12pm
2nd May 7pm
Why sleeping well matters and what you can do to improve it
During this webinar, you will explore why sleep matters to our young people's physical and mental health and what is happening in the body and mind when you sleep. You will look at some ideas and habits to build to improve the quality of your sleep and your children’s sleep.
4th May 12pm
25 May 6pm
Loneliness: How to support young people
The session will help you feel more confident to offer support to young people experiencing symptoms of loneliness, who may have barriers in trusting others.
10th May 12pm
17th May 6pm
To find out more about each of these webinars, and to book your place, click here.