On Behalf of Learning to Respect
Published: Friday, October 22nd, 2021 at 12:59 PM

White Ribbon Day 2021 and Healthy Relationship Education –
HEP would like to share the following information from the Learning to Respect programme coordinator Harprit Sekhon.
White Ribbon Day 2021 is Thursday 25th November 2021. White Ribbon day is recognised as the ‘UN International Day for the Eradication of Violence Towards Women’ .
This year’s theme is ‘Orange the World: Fund, Respond, Prevent, Collect!”
This year is more important than ever with a significant increase in violence, harassment and abuse towards women during the coronavirus pandemic. We urgently need to work together to prevent violence and make sure our communities and homes are safe for everyone.
White Ribbon is focusing on engaging with young men and boys in particular.
They are currently in the final stages of putting together a pack for schools. Please do have a look at their website , and if you are interested in the pack you can order directly by emailing Jayne Blacker info@whiteribbon.org.uk.
Follow the links below for ideas to support the White Ribbon campaign and to raise awareness of violence against women and girls, including assemblies, activities, and signposting to lesson plans and other resources. There is also a White Ribbon template. It would be wonderful to have your school be part of this borough-wide initiative.
You may also be interested in using a video which was developed as part of The Learning to Respect Programme at Reach Academy called #noexcuses – https://vimeo.com/218421077 (you will need a Vimeo log in to access this video).
The Learning to Respect Programme seeks to reduce the incidences of domestic violence in the borough by educating children and young people (age appropriately) about safe, non-abusive, friendships/relationships.
If you are interested in The Learning to Respect Programme, please contact Harprit.Sekhon@hounslow.gov.uk